I wote fore HAPPY MAN, My program is this.
1.Nobody over 60 years age in the GB,
2."60 procent women inn the GB as it is in the organisation .
3.The only dfd things is things told in the bibel
4.Blood issu is bettwen you and Jehova
5.One new meeting about how to show love to evryone, out widh bookstudie.
6.Service on internet is one bigg issu fore next years.
7. All elders have to steep down, and one new Cong servant is elected from the memebers in the cong.
8. The eldersbook is out, and a new one are given to evrybody.
9 .If someone brook cong ruels , the cong must vote if he will be dfd,
10. All ekonimick things are going to be public, plus and minus posts will be showd, and also loss or profit.
11.evry bullding we now on are going to bee sold fore higest bidd all over the word.We then rent from the new oners.
12, the money some hugh billions dollars, will,be sent to pore JW all over the word, so the can have a disent life , NOW.
13. Nowan can be babtised before 30 years old,like Jesus.
14. Shunning peoepl fore they dont want to be JW is forbidden,love and care is the new tema.
Have I any chance?
Love HM